Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Meet my boys

Ethan is my Energizer Bunny. He really does just keep going and going and going. He is the biggest brother and takes his role as such very seriously - picking on Lincoln and protecting Porter. He astounds us daily with how quickly he learns and how much he retains. His favorite trick is getting out of bed after bedtime, sneaking up the stairs and behind the couch, and waiting until Greg and I, on the couch oblivious the entire time, get an inkling of his presence. What a stinker.

Lincoln is my blossoming - no, blossomed - chatterbox. He tells anyone who will listen exactly what he wants, what he's done, or what he sees. He can hold his own against Ethan - finally - and loves his baby brother. He rallies daily for his turn to hold Porter or to have whatever toy Ethan has.

Porter is exactly the baby I needed - mellow, happy, delightful. He is currently the best sleeper in the house and spends most of his awake time screeching happily to himself or watching tentatively, wide-eyed, as his older brothers tear through the rooms around him.

Sometimes I just stare and wonder what I did to deserve these beautiful boys...


Unknown said...

AHHHHHH I'm so excited that you have crossed over...you fellow blogger you!

You couldn't have put your boys into better words...I love it...dang you're good at writing...I'm waiting for you to share your wealth of knowledge to me!

Love ya,


Elaine Kemp said...

Em, you're surrounded by energy, always have been, always will be. You are the energy. You vitalize all around you. If I were to describe you in one word.....VITALITY!

Jacob said...

What darling boys you have! So fun to find your blog!

(ps - I can't read the top blog because the music box covers half of it up...)

Hope you are all well! At least I can stop by and see what you're up to and how fast your boys are growing since I so rarely get to see you! Stop by our blog anytime to meet our bouncing baby boy (Sawyer)! Here's hugs from your Seattle cousins!

-Tysha (and fam)


Jayne said...

What a delight to get a glimpse into your families life. Jenn told me I needed to see your blog - sooo cute! Jayne Gray