Sunday, August 9, 2009


See? There really is a beach in Pinedale. It's about 8 minutes from my house, and it's the biggest watering hole for mommies and kids in the area. A tan in Wyoming? You'd better believe it!


Sarah Heder said...

This is funny to me. I kept seeing updates on facebook saying that you were headed to the beach and I just couldn't imagine what you were talking about in Wyoming, but now I see! Looks like a great place for the kids.

katie said...

You are so dang lucky to have that spot. We have a hose. And actually we can't use it during daylight hours because of drought conditions. So really, we have the bathtub.

Alex said...

alright. i do belive you now! HA! it does look nice and what a fun place for everyone! Thanks for the proof

Jody said...

Sounds like you have a great group of friends there already! And what a great place to hang out. Thanks for the pictures! It was hard to imagine a beach there....