It seems like most of my posts have been on my children's prayers these days. Not an apology by any means, just an observation. In fact, I have become keenly aware of my children as three "tender mercies" while Greg is away. They ground me, inspire me, make me crazy, and bring me joy each day.
I mentioned to my boys last week, after listening to a prayer in which we were "grateful for this day" and then proceeded to begin asking for things, that we should focus on being more grateful in our prayers. They listened. They are grateful that snakes and monsters and bears and bugs stay away while we are all sleeping. They are grateful that "our lives don't have any problems." And this morning, after
I said the prayer at breakfast, Ethan reminded
me that we needed to express more thanks during our prayers. I then proceeded to begin naming things we could be grateful for: the beautiful snow-covered mountains, the Gospel, knowing that Heavenly Father and Jesus love us, the warm weather we have this week, strong bodies, a happy family, people who love us, a daddy who works hard, brothers who are friends ... and "no matter how many times we move, we always have a comfortable home."
Ethan then added: "And no matter where we go, we're in the Promised Land."
Amen, Ethan.