Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Aging Baby

I know, right? I'm not sure how this happened either. But it's true. Porter is 4. And what better way to celebrate a birthday than with Spider-PJ?

Some of Spiderman's 4-year-old favorites include:

Food: Peanut Butter & Honey
Treat: OtterPops
Color: Green
Movie:  Hercules
TV Show: Ninjago
Book: Spiderman books
Toy:  Thundercats Sword of Omens
Game: Candyland
Outside Activity:  Play Ninjago
Person: Momma and Daddy
Time of Year: When we go to the beach

In case you don't know Porter, he is hilarious.  Truly.  He loves to be the life of the party, and he is the BEST eye roller I have ever met, which makes thinking of his teenage years a bit foreboding. Oh yeah, and he is absolutely darling; a light in our home.  We love you, Peej.  Happy day!

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