Monday, June 11, 2012

A Curious Epiphany

In our basement home with Dale and Elaine, there are no doors between family room, our bedroom and the kids' room.  When we need to get dressed, we usually just grab our clothes and round the corner, hiding by the closet until we're clothed.  One day, while Link and PJ were playing in their room (which looks directly into ours), I was getting dressed by the closet but had forgotten my bra on the edge of my bed, in plain site.  Before I had time to grab it, I heard Lincoln having an epiphany.

" THAT'S what makes the humps!"

What can I say?  He totally figured me out.


katie said...

Humps indeed. Too funny. Its worse with girls though cuz they are all worried about when they will get some. I'm glad they keep me humble-all part of His plan I'm sure.

Ashley said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!That's so funny. Boys. We didn't talk about my humps until Isaac came along... Oh the conversations that have occurred since then.

Mebel Jepara said...

your boys is handsome, i wish i can meet with the children :)