Now that pooping is no longer an issue for Lincoln, we're facing a new . . . um, predicament. Lincoln hasn't had an accident in over a week. He tells me every time he has to go to the bathroom. He produces nearly every time he goes. HOWEVER . . . now, instead of going to the bathroom and getting everything out (is this gross?), he is what I would call a marathon pooper (I believe my sister Lindsey calls it industrial pooping) and likes to break it up into several trips to the bathroom:
Lincoln (sitting on the toilet): "Mom! I'm done pooping!"
Me: "Is it all out?"
Lincoln: "Yep."
Me: "Is there any more coming?"
Lincoln: "Nope. I all done."
So we proceed to wipe, pull up underwear and pants, wash hands, put a sticker on the potty chart, return to our pre-bathroom activities.
- 90 seconds pass -
Lincoln: "Mom . . . I have to poop."
Repeat five to seven times - preferred timing for this routine is bedtime and sacrament meeting and the grocery store.
I'm sure that's frustrating, but it's awfully funny!! Tucker isn't terribly interested in the potty yet, so I'm just thrilled if he's willing to try once a day!
That sounds like absolutely NO FUN! The part I love best is that it happens at the most inconvenient places and times! Don't you just love our kids and the things they put us through? Ha!
How annoying! Maybe you should change the stickers/prizes to if he doesn't have an accident ALL day rather than after each potty trip. Good luck!
We may just have to tease Lincoln about this in 14 years when he goes on his first date... he he he!!! Love you guys! Give him a kiss and hug from his Aunt Kassie for me!
This is not an attempt to one-up you and yours, but perhaps you can feel grateful that your son is getting it in toilet. Four times now Ava has been too busy playing, made a mess, checked to see if in fact she did, and then comes to me with fists clenched telling me that she pooped. What is in her fists? Dirty (outdoor play, naturally), sweaty, poop, which has also contaminated all her clothes and bottom and back.
Hi, Em. This too shall pass. (Snicker, snicker.) My friend Natalie decided to potty train her 3-yr-old just recently when he decided to hide in a quiet place in the house, carpeted, of course, and change his own poopy diapers. Yech.
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