Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't Feed the Animals

I had to bring the Link and PJ in from playing in the back yard yesterday. I hate doing that, taking them out of the sunshine and fresh air and all, BUT . . .

The chain link in the foreground is the end of our yard, standing about 4 feet high. Now, if I know nothing else of wild animals, I know not to mess with a moose. Despite their gangly, placid appearance, they can be very aggressive, and at that size, I choose to avoid confrontation. This mama and baby spent the better part of 6 hours in our neighbor's yard, lounging and munching on his aspen tree, finally clearing out around dark. I love living in the wild, wild west.


Sadie Rose said...

WOWWWW!!! that is so cool! you really are in the wild west.

Unknown said...

Oh my HECK!!!! That's crazy!!! I bet you're boys were just dying to ride them!!! Kassie & I went up the Alpine Loop today and saw a Mamma...a baby and a daddy Moose run across the road just 20 yds in front of us!!! It was so awesome!!!

Jody said...

Wow! We live in totally opposite worlds. Every once in a while, we can catch a glimpse of the stars... ;)