Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And the verdict is . . .

The hospital lab called the doctor today and reported that Porter officially has strep pneumonia. Sounds awful, huh? He's getting a little better . . . better enough to whimper all day, unhappy in my arms or on his own. All my boys are asleep now . . . Greg is coming home in two day for about 72 hours . . . and I can hardly wait. Don't get me wrong . . . I'm keeping it together, but sometimes only by a thread. HOWEVER . . . if we survived a long December with three very sick children, we can endure this, too. I learned, very quickly after Greg joined the Army, what has come to be sort of my personal motto: You never know what you can do on your own until you have no other choice but to do it.

So here's to motherhood . . .

. . . and thank goodness for family.


Amber said...

Poor little Porter! At least they were able to diagnose it quickly. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help!

Unknown said...

OK...and the super mommy award goes to...hmm...any guesses! I'll let you figure that one out...but here's a hint...Emery Kemp!

Alex said...

Im so glad Greg is coming home!!!

Jody said...

You are amazing being able to keep it together through all of this. I'm glad that Greg will be home soon. Will you be heading off for your pedicure and massage as soon as he gets back? Or will you give him an hour to acclimate to the kids before leaving? Either way, I hope Porter is doing better!

Kelly Netzel said...

I am totally agreeing with your motto! I know what your going through.