Saturday, March 7, 2009


If I knew how to put panting into words, that's what you would be reading. Greg and I have just completed the first week of our new fitness program: P90X ( Ever since the fire, we have been feeling like we needed to get back in shape, eat better, just generally take better care of ourselves. I came home one day and Greg said, "Guess what I bought for us." Now, to be honest, I like doing exercise videos at home. I definitely prefer it to going to the gym. Videos and my elliptical have kept me in shape for a long time, including through and after three pregnancies. BUT, after seeing the P90X infomercial several times, the truth is that I was too petrified to buy it because it looked REALLY burly. Well, it is. I'll tell you that it is not for the faint of heart. Greg and I have done 10 workouts in the past 6 days, doubling one day because we started on Tuesday insteady of Monday. BIG mistake. We've lunged and squatted to the firely place below and back; we've done pullups, karate, an HOUR AND A HALF of yoga (which I never liked in the first place and which totally kicked our trash), weights, pushups, every sort of jumping move you could ever imagine and then some, and more pullups. It seems silly to say, but even after just six days (although we're still nowhere near where we hope to be in "90 days") both of us feel like we can already see and feel a difference.

Right now, we're walking around like zombies from a low budget horror film. We wince when we sit, stand, walk...breath. In fact, after the boys were in bed last night, we were laying on the hide-a-bed in the main room of our hotel (because it was too much work to get into our room) and giggling because we could hardly move. We are sore but feeling accomplished. The way I see it is that if all the muscles that have been sore this past week end up being toned and fit, we're going to be masters of muscles by the end of our program (which is right in time for my 10-year high school reunion). Here's to hoping...


Kelly Netzel said...

Let me know if it works. There is no way I can make it to the gym any more from working and running just doesn't do it all for me so I need more!

Jody said...

Weren't you guys fit when we saw you at Christmas? What are you doing--trying to make us all look bad? ;) Keep up the good work!

Tina said...

That is one of the hardest workouts ever. I've been doing it, not religiously, and now it's been 2 weeks since and I feel like a slug again. Way to go, you already looked so fit to me, but it is great for toning also.
I'm sorry life if so crazy and hard right now for you. Sometimes it just stinks and it's o.k. to complain, vent, and cry. Thank goodness for a great marriage you have and yes, a wonderful family. Love ya Em!