Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mama snake

Does anyone else hiss at their children in church? I dream every Sunday of the day Greg will be back on the bench with me. Sheesh . . .


Matt, Erin, Kaden, Sophia, Jack, & Leah said...

I do have to admit, I'm a hisser as well and my husband is often times gone on Sundays. Maybe there's a correlation, but we're tough, right?!?

The Stubbs said...

I do it more than I should... and the best part is that I am usually louder when I hiss than whatever the kids were doing!

Kelly Netzel said...

I never allow my girls to sit in church with me or I will never hear a word. Thank God for Sunday school! Good Luck

moller99 said...

If it makes you feel better...I had to kick one of my kids who was running around while I was being set apart!!!! It was great. Hopefully Bishop didn't feel the jerk and open his eyes a little.

Jody said...

We have a wonderful lady who has adopted Evelyn as her "grandchild." They love each other. We sit by her and she takes care of Evelyn while I deal with Lily. This woman even brings snacks each week for both girls! Maybe you can find a nice grandmothery figure....

Steph said...

I hear ya! I'm doing solo sacrament meetings these days too. I was in tears by the end of our first sacrament meeting with Joe on the stand.

My trick these days is to sit strategically. I've claimed the bench in the very back next to the door. I'll even (kindly) ask people to move if someone gets there before us-- something I would typically NEVER do.

Look on the bright side-- in about 10 years, you won't have to hiss anymore. You'll be too busy trying to keep them awake.

The Gomes Family said...

I don't hiss, I snap or put my fingers to my mouth, then we go out in the foyer!