Sunday, December 13, 2009

There are diapers and there are diapers

We had a beautiful Relief Society Christmas program the other night. It was held at the Senior Citizens' Center in town. where 4 sweet young women were in charge of watching over 20 crazy kids while we enjoyed the program. When it was time to go home, I went to collect my 3 boys and this cute little young woman tried to pull me aside shyly, "Um . . . Lincoln . . . um . . . " she turned red and trailed off. "Did he have an accident," I asked. She looked relieved and handed me a tiny ball of wet underwear wrapped in plastic and paper towels. "Yes. There were these diaper things in the bathroom, so we put him in one of those." I thanked her for all her help and assured her it was a not a big deal and we went on our merry way.

Later at home when I was getting the boys ready for bed, I peeled Lincoln's pants off to change him in his jammies and started laughing out loud. "Greg!" I yelled down the hall to our bedroom. "Lincoln is wearing Depends!"


Alex said...

I think that is SO funny! Oh, I love it. Did you take a picture?

Tina said...

That is hilarious, they must have been huge. Depends in the bathroom? 'Take one...'

Anonymous said...

Oh, how this story makes me laugh.

Sarah Heder said...

That is so funny! Well, hey, whatever works, right? Smart girl.

Jody said...

Hilarious! There aren't many kids who can say they've worn Depends. I guess he can check that one off the list.